8 Reasons why a small or mid-sized law firm should hire a fractional CMO

It's so tempting to "save" money now! But an FCMO will increase your chances of success quickly and effectively

When you are small or mid-sized it makes the most sense to invest in the one product that can make the difference in the kind of clients –and budgets—you attract, and which impact your take home pay.

Here are eight compelling reasons why you should consider hiring a fractional marketing director:

  1. Expertise without Breaking the Bank - You pay for the degree of help you want or need.
  2. Strategic Focus for Optimal Results: With a fractional marketing director, your law firm gains a dedicated professional who can focus on developing and executing a comprehensive marketing strategy.
  3. Flexibility to Suit Your Needs
  4. Objective Perspective and Fresh Ideas
  5. Oversee Implementation of Marketing Campaigns
  6. Seamless Integration and Collaboration
  7. Interim Support
  8. Train and Mentor Internal Teams

For a free, no pressure, no hard-sell, professional consultation, give me a call.